Orange Posset
Citric Acid Solution
- 20 grams citric acid
- 30 grams water
- 1 tbsp orange zest – grated, plus 6 tablespoons juice
- 2 cups heavy cream
- ⅔ cup sugar – 4⅔ ounces; 132 grams
Before you Begin
- This dessert requires individual serving cups. Citric acid is also sold as “sour salt”; look for it in the spice aisle or near the canning supplies. (Do not confuse it with “crystallized lemon” products, which contain other ingredients.) Reducing the cream mixture to exactly 2 cups creates the desired consistency. Transfer the liquid to a 2-cup heatproof liquid measuring cup once or twice during boiling to monitor the amount.
- Combine citric acid and water in medium bowl and stir until acid is completely dissolved. Transfer solution to airtight container until ready to use.
- Combine ½ teaspoon citric acid solution and orange juice in small bowl; set aside. Combine cream, sugar, and orange zest in medium saucepan and bring to boil over medium heat. Continue to boil, stirring frequently to dissolve sugar. If mixture begins to boil over, briefly remove from heat. Cook until mixture is reduced to 2 cups, 8 to 12 minutes.
- Remove saucepan from heat and stir in orange juice mixture. Let sit until mixture is cooled slightly and skin forms on top, about 20 minutes. Strain through fine-mesh strainer into bowl; discard zest. Divide mixture evenly among 6 individual ramekins or serving glasses. Refrigerate, uncovered, until set, at least 3 hours or up to 2 days (if chilling for more than 3 hours, cover each ramekin).
- When ready to serve, uncover possets, if needed, and let sit at room temperature for 10 minutes. Garnish possets with chocolate shavings and serve.