About this site

Cooking in Grandma Doc’s kitchen in 1979. I had a lot to learn, especially to NOT use metal utensils with a non-stick pan! YIKES!!!!

About this site – When Pam and I were married, we agreed that I would do the cooking and she would do the cleaning. This agreement has stuck for over 30+ years. Of course, Pam cooks, and she is a pretty darn good cook too! However, she does not ENJOY cooking, and I love to cook. It’s progressed to the point where Pam told one of her friends, “If Brian doesn’t cook, I don’t eat. “

My love of genealogy stems from listening to all the family folklore at the informal kitchen table gatherings at my Grandma Campbell’s. Meals should be an event, not just a quick grab-and-go. It’s about sitting around the table, taking the time to talk and learn more about each other, sharing more profound parts of yourself, and learning from others.

This site is to help the next generation so they can more easily cook some of their family favorites and bring back family meal memories and conversations at the table.

This site attempts to amalgamate recipes from my notes and recipe testing. I have used multiple recipe management methods, from paper and pencil to sophisticated software. I use Paprika Recipe Manager on my Mac and iPhone to assist with ingredient shopping and to keep track of my recipes. It works well and even exports to a bare HTML front end.

I got more creative, built this WordPress site using the exported data from Paprika, and customized it using WP Recipe Maker Pro.

When developing recipes, the challenge is developing recipes that please the family palate best. While my goal is never to hear, “this is not to my taste,“ my adage is, “always make something you like so at least there will be one happy person. “

These are the recipes that have pleased and expanded our family’s palate.

Bon Appétit!