About this site

Cooking in Grandma Doc’s kitchen in 1979. I had much to learn, especially NOT to use metal utensils with a non-stick pan! YIKES!!!!

About this site – When Pam and I got married, we agreed that I would handle the cooking while she took care of the cleaning. This arrangement has happily endured for over 34 years. Although Pam is a pretty darn good cook, she doesn’t particularly enjoy it, and I love cooking. On more than one occasion, Pam has quipped to her friends, “If Brian doesn’t cook, I don’t eat!

My passion for cooking is deeply rooted in the family folklore I absorbed during casual kitchen gatherings at my Grandma Campbell’s house. To me, meals are meant to be a shared experience, not just a quick grab-and-go. It’s about sitting around the table, taking the time to connect, sharing parts of ourselves, and learning from one another.

This site aims to help the next generation rediscover our family’s favorite recipes and revive the cherished memories and conversations that come from gathering around the dinner table. Over the years, I’ve amalgamated recipes from my notes and extensive recipe testing. My journey with recipe management has taken me from traditional paper and pencil to sophisticated software, and this website for you.

The real challenge lies in creating recipes that satisfy our family’s diverse tastes. While I always strive to avoid the dreaded, “This is not to my taste,” my mantra has become, “Always make something you like, so at least one person will be happy.” When I succeed in delighting everyone at the table, the sense of achievement is genuinely fulfilling.

These are the recipes that have pleased and expanded our family’s palate.

Bon Appétit!

Chef Bapa – Christmas 2024